About Me

First, let me clarify that this is not a motivational blog as there is plenty of motivational content available on the internet which are doing well in its place. Sometimes articles may sound motivational, but it’s not my core purpose. I only share what I am learning or experiencing.

Hello, and Welcome to my corner of the internet. I am Sushil Charjan, creator of this space, where I express my thoughts, ideas, experiences, and insights on various topics that interest me. Here you may expect to read about general things in life. I am not an expert in any of the above areas but deeply believe in sharing what I learn through great minds. You may find imbalanced quantities of articles about the above topics. Sometimes I may write business articles as I am a business enthusiast too.

So, whether you’re here to learn something new, be inspired, or have a good read, I hope you find something that resonates with you and will give you a fresh take on things and help you in your journey.

Diversity of thoughts and open-mindedness are crucial for personal and societal growth. I understand that not everyone will agree with everything I say, and that’s okay. Everyone has the right to their thoughts and opinions; therefore, I respect your right to disagree with me. I also believe in being respectful and empathetic towards others, even if we disagree. I think it is through open communication that we can learn from one another and grow as individuals.

I am equally excited to hear from you! I want this to be a community where we can share ideas, support each other and grow together. So please feel free to leave comments and share your experiences and perspectives on the topics that interest you. I welcome constructive discussions and different perspectives.

I invite you to join me on my journey and to connect with me through my blog. Thank you for reading, and I hope my blog is helpful and informative.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sushil Charjan